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爱在榆树下,又名Love Under the Elms

A Frenchwoman vacationing with her daughter and a Viennese professor vacationing with his son meet in the Tyrolean Alps of Italy. Of a liberal persuasion, both parents actively encourage the two young people to get to know one another, and perhaps have their first sexual liaison; the two adults have long since gone to bed with one another. With many hesitations and missed opportunities, this is just what the daughter and son eventually do. ( BY Clarke Fountain, Rovi)


豆瓣评分5.5, 算是一部中等偏上的电视剧作品,值得收藏看,推荐大家观看。 类型为剧情,爱情的电影。创作于意大利地区,具有中文字幕版本。
