都说勇者无惧。轻歌剧原是当年已然式微的物事,刘别谦逆流而上一再带到水银灯下,竟成为开创荷里活歌舞片的大功臣。第二部司花利亚与珍娜.麦当奴的钻石组合,重拍已成经典的《回转姻缘》。刘别谦原意只充当监制,导演筒假手佐治寇克。开拍不到一周,节奏乱套的毛片没法通过我们超高班监制的关口,一声令下剧本重写影片自己接手重拍,演员与编剧不但没怨言甚至还皆大欢喜。故事与原作大同小异,形式却南辕北辙,司花利亚的演绎更传神抵死,一曲<美芝>妙得神魂绝倒。大小配角心思中见丰富血肉,刘别谦与编剧拍档拉弗逊的化学作用开始显现。This oscar-nominated musical remake of The Marriage Circle was originally George Cukor's baby, but Lubitsch took over the helm, resulting in a famous lawsuit. However, Cukor later conceded: "I could never make a Lubitsch film." The scene is transposed from Vienna to Paris, and focus shifted from the unhappily married "philanderess"' schemes to steal her best friend's husband, to revel in the sheer verve and sexual desirability of Chevalier and MacDonald - both to others and to each other. Overlapping lines, recitative song interludes and Chevalier's direct address to the camera invite audience complicity in the characters' transgressions and set the film apart from "all-singing" Hollywood musicals.Source: 28th HKIFF
豆瓣评分7.0, 暂时没有评分,请继续等待。 类型为喜剧,爱情,歌舞的电影。创作于美国地区,具有中文字幕版本。