太空堡垒卡拉狄加第二季,又名银河战星卡拉迪加第二季 / 银河对决第二季 / 星际大争霸第二季 / 太空堡垒卡拉狄加第二季
Following the discovery of Kobol, the arrest of Laura Roslin, and the attempted assassination of William Adama, the Fleet finds itself thrust into more peril, but, with the discovery of Pegasus and New Caprica, also hope. Yet, all prospects of a better future are squashed sooner or later.
豆瓣评分9.0, 算是一部高评分电视剧作品,亲们,能有此分数的电影也为数不多呀,推荐大家值得观看。 类型为剧情,动作,科幻的电视剧。创作于美国,英国地区,具有中文字幕版本。