Maya, a farmer’s daughter, accidentally kills an endangered Philippine Eagle in a forest reserve. When the police investigate, other horrifying crime cases are soon revealed… The second feature by Mikhail Red (Rekorder) is a thrilling, multilayered mystery. The Philippine Eagle, measuring about 1 meter in length, is the largest in the world. With fewer than 200 surviving, it is critically endangered due to deforestation and overhunting for taxidermy. PelikulaRED, the production company founded by Mikhail’s father Raymond Red (director of Manila Skies), produced the film.
豆瓣评分6.5, 算是一部中等偏上的电视剧作品,值得收藏看,推荐大家观看。 类型为剧情,悬疑,惊悚的电影。创作于菲律宾,卡塔尔地区,具有中文字幕版本。