A reality television series which began airing on the Seven Network, Australia and now a Netflix original series. The series follows homeowners who have transformed their homes into hotels and are individually judged by each other to receive the highest scores with the winner to win an ultimate prize.
发布于2019年。由执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。集众多位Juliet Ashworth,Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen等著名实力派明星加盟,并公映的综艺。
豆瓣评分7.2, 算是一部高评分电视剧作品,亲们,能有此分数的电影也为数不多呀,推荐大家值得观看。 类型为真人秀的综艺。创作于澳大利亚地区,具有中文字幕版本。