博学无术2,又名The PHD Movie 2
The PHD Movie 2 looks at themes of competition in research, writer's block, and finding your voice. The Nameless Grad Student is now an integral part of Prof. Smith's Lab. However, the lab is in peril as research funding levels are at an all-time low. The group must travel to an important academic conference and square off against a rival group as they compete for results and grant money. Meanwhile, Cecilia's advisor is going on sabbatical, which means she has to finish writing her thesis or be stuck in grad school another year.
豆瓣评分8.5, 算是一部高评分电视剧作品,亲们,能有此分数的电影也为数不多呀,推荐大家值得观看。 类型为剧情,喜剧的电影。创作于美国地区,具有中文字幕版本。